Sports Nutrition Supplements – ingredient advice

Sports Nutrition Supplements Although I generally recommend it is important you have a good balanced food intake, sometimes you don’t always have time to cook a high protein meal post workout, or there may be a few hours until you can get to eat a proper meal. It is important you use protein powder in […]

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Good fats don’t make you fat!
Good Fats

Best Good Fats for your body Avocados Butter (grass fed) Organic Cold Pressed Coconut Oil Extra Virgin Olive Oil Omega 3 Fish Oil Fact. Eating fat won’t make you fat. Eating a good source of fat – e.g. avocados, nuts, coconut oil, extra virgin cold pressed olive oil will only have positive effects on our health. I’d […]

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Glycaemic index (GI)

The GI was originally devised as a strategy to help diabetics gain better control over their blood sugar levels. It is a ranking of carbohydrate foods based on their potential to raise blood sugar levels. The higher the GI of a food, the faster the resultant rise in blood sugar after eating it. The faster […]

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How do we store fat?

How do we store fat? How does our body store fat? Fat, (adipose tissue) is found in several places in the body, generally underneath the skin (subcutaneous fat). There is also some fat surrounding your vital organs for protection. An adult man tends to carry body fat in his chest and abdomen, producing an “apple” shape whereas women […]

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Behavioural Change

You’ve always suspected it, but we can confirm that behavioural changes are the only way to successful long-term weight management. In order to achieve your goals, three things are required: Identifying and accepting your personal negative or counterproductive behaviour Developing meaningful strategies and systems for ensuring that you can change Maintaining the motivation to make […]

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Diets don’t work

Get thin fast remedies are on every page of every magazine it seems, and there are a whole host of “quick” or “pain free fixes” on the market. On top of this you could add any number of the latest fad diets, and the  unlimited supply of slimming snacks, drinks and even get thin gum, just waiting to […]

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What is metabolism?

The metabolic rate can be described as the speed at which our bodies burn the fuel that we eat to produce the energy we need for everyday life. It is a measure of energy output over a period of time. Metabolism may differ by as much as 25% between one person and the next, though […]

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Monitoring change in yourself

The measurements that we take are intended to provide an overall picture of the body composition and the changes that are occurring. Ultimately people will have their own indicators for success, and this may be dress size, number of belt notches or simply their appearance, which is entirely subjective. For this reason, do not get too […]

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Optimum Nutrition

The essence of “optimum nutrition” lies in eliminating “negative” foods that will encourage weight gain, and introducing “positive” foods that will stabilise weight and provide many other health and wellness benefits. Optimum nutrition also requires regulating volume of consumption and ensuring continual variety. The UK is an obesogenic environment, and that means that amongst other […]

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Why do we put on weight?

There are many issues involving weight gain, including environmental, biological and behavioural factors, many of which are complex and interrelated, some of which are not fully understood. The simple reason why we are all getting fatter is that we are eating far more calorie dense foods than ever before and are much less active. Genetics. We are all born with […]

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